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A reflection about AnimalCare. Dr, Chan Kah Yein whom I have got to know from the Buddhist Circle has so much to offer. Heard so much about her that time and her care for the animals, so when she approached me to support AnimalCare, I didn’t think twice to say yes to help her with some of her design work. Together with Daniel Ngan who wanted to try his hands-on design as well, we worked well together to create t-shirts, buntings, brochures, etc for AnimalCare.

For almost a month I have been feeling exhausted, tired, and overwhelmed with so much information and messages. At times it was just too much to handle. Driving to hospitals alone didn’t really help much; waiting outside the doctor’s room alone in the cold was really a daunting experience; until I opened up to a few close friends for help. Very grateful to have a couple of close buddies who offered help in so many ways; I am truly thankful. They are the ones who helped to convey all your well wishes to me. I received all the messages. I am grateful for all the well wishes. I am honored to have known each and every one of you guys out there. I promise to respond soon.

And for AnimalCare, thank you so much for the good wishes and all.
My pleasure to all the design and support towards animal care. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the team and join the effort to support the animals

The love and support from the team as well as all the animals means the world to me.

As I’m sitting here with the Metta juice infusion, I’m reflecting on all the happy moments and joyful times working with you and Daniel. I remember the days I used to drive all the way from PJ to Setapak where Daniel stays to discuss design things, argue with him, and of cos lots of laughter and food at cafes as well.

Those photos were classic! Those were my 105kg days with Crocs and army pants and super long hair. During Covid time, I started exercising and working out, cutting on carbs and unhealthy food, especially nasi lemak and nasi kandar, and lost almost 20kg and felt so much better.

Yes will promise will get better soon and will continue to support animalcare and all the animals.

Thank you dear friends for all the wonderful Metta



Comment (1)

  1. Chan Kah Yein
    June 19, 2023 Reply

    Hi Chee Onn!!

    It’s so wonderful to hear from you! Thank you very much for taking the time to write.

    Do you know that your classic GOLD (that’s what I called the first design) is still everybody’s No. 1 top favourite tshirt? It’s simplicity is unbeatable. One day, when there is a market for tshirts again and I have the time to handle all the sizes, ranging from baby to XXL (ladies and gents, too, remember?), the first design I’d revive would be this classic GOLD!

    You also helped with other tshirts later on, I remember clearly. And website background is also done by you, read my hundreds every day.

    I didn’t know you had to travel so far to meet up with Daniel to do our designs – thank you so, so much! But I do know that whenever I needed help, no matter how busy you were, you had never turned your back on me. For this, I will be forever grateful.

    So even though you may not be an active hands-on “rescuer”, you must know that you definitely had a hand (!) in helping thousands and thousands of street animals who would have otherwise been left on the streets, unneutered, leading a suffering life. It’s people who come to the blog, read the posts, who know about the aid we offer.

    I’m bugging Daniel now, to do some work for me. I look forward to bugging you again soon, but please take your time to rest, recover and get your strength back.

    Eat well too!! Throw caution to the wind, and eat nutritiously!!

    I think of you every day and send you positive energy. Even though I have no time to join the metta meditation (looking after 2 grandsons and 18 cats on a daily basis), I hope the “thinking” is also comparative to sending metta!

    Get well soon, Chee Onn!!

    With the kindest regards,
    Kah Yein and everyone at AnimalCare

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